MSCS Fund Details

MSCS Funds at the University of Illinois Foundation Heading link

The MSCS Unrestricted Fund

The purpose of this current-use fund is to support activities that build the MSCS community and enhance the quality of life in the department. Examples include: supporting the social activities of the Mathematics Graduate Students Association, funding research projects by MSCS graduate students, and rehabilitation of seminar rooms, student lounges and the common room.

Damber Singh Tomer and Meena Singh Tomer Endowed International Scholarship Fund

The Damber Singh Tomer and Meena Singh Tomer Endowed International Scholarship Fund, which was recently established in 2019 by Dr. Damber Singh Tomer and his wife Meena Singh Tomer, was created in order to recognize and appreciate the various opportunities provided to Dr. Damber Singh Tomer that allowed him to study at UIC. Before coming to study at UIC, he earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in mathematics from Agra University and worked as a Research Scholar to study advanced mathematics at the Indian Institute of Technology/Kanpur.

Dr Singh later obtained a masters and Doctor of Arts from UIC in 1974 and 1977.  Since then, Dr. Singh Tomer has dedicated his life to teaching mathematics and computer science to students at several universities/institutions throughout India and the United States as a faculty member as well as working as an actuary and a graduate coordinator.

Dr. Singh Tomer is very much aware of the financial struggles that international students face, especially during summer semesters since many Teaching Assistantship funds are not available for international students at that time.  In order to alleviate the financial burden for current international students, Dr. Singh Tomer and his wife established an international scholarship for international students who study here at UIC.

The Louise Hay Mathematics Fund

The Louise Hay Fund is used to honor the legacy of Louise Hay, the first female head of a major research-oriented university math department in the United States.

The Herbert Alexander Award Fund

Endowed fund created by Susan Alexander in memory of her husband. Professor Herbert Alexander was a distinguished analyst who taught in the MSCS department from 1975 until his death in 1999. The award is given annually to an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student in the MSCS Department.

The Kathy Hill Cawthon Award Fund

Endowed fund created in honor of his daughter by Professor Roger Hill, who joined the UIC Mathematics department when the UIC campus was located on Navy Pier, and who remains a great supporter of MSCS. The award is given annually to a sophomore in the MSCS department. Preference is given to women students.

The Nicholas A Yassan Award Fund

Endowed fund created by Nicholas A. Yassan, an MSCS graduate, class of 2003! The award is given annually to a junior in the MSCS department. Preference is given to women students.

The Robert A. Chalupnik Scholarship Fund

Endowed fund established in memory of Robert A. Chalupnik (BS ’93, MBA ’88). Mr. Chalupnik was a Mathematics and Computer Science major who later became an investment banker. This scholarship will be awarded annually to support undergraduate and graduate students within the MSCS Department who are in good academic standing. Preference shall be given to students who are studying mathematics or computer science.

The Victor Twersky Memorial Scholarship Fund

Endowed fund created by the Twersky family to honor Professor Victor Twersky, an applied mathematician in the MSCS department from 1966 to 1990. Undergraduate and graduate MSCS students majoring in applied mathematics are eligible for the award.

The Jeff E. Lewis Mathematics Seminar Fund

Endowed fund created in 1995 by MSCS Emeritus Professor Jeff E. Lewis to pay expenses for speakers in MSCS seminars.

The Philip Wagreich Memorial Scholarship

Fund created in the memory of former MSCS Professor Philip Wagreich. Once the fund account has reached the level where it is self-sustaining, it will provide a scholarship for an undergraduate or graduate student in the UIC Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science.

The Wojciech Komornicki Summer Math Fund

This current-use fund was created in memory of Wojciech Komornicki, a mathematics professor who earned his PhD at UIC in 1977. Its purpose is to support programs developed by the department to recruit students to mathematics.  This may include math workshops or research projects for middle school or high school students.

Yeuk-Lam Yau-Leung Memorial Scholarship Fund

This fund was created by Stephen Yau in memory of his mother Yeuk-Lam Yau-Leung.  An award will be given to assist applied mathematics students each year, with priority given to students working in bioinformatics.

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